Head of Conservation and Land Management

Helena leads and works together with the rest of the Conservation and Land Management team, CRT tenants and graziers to deliver meaningful projects across our properties; boosting biodiversity and celebrating the nature-friendly farming practices that we routinely carry out across our farms. 

"I grew up as essentially free seasonal labour on family livestock and dairy farms in Northern Ireland and Scotland, feeding cattle and lambs, and herding sheep across the lowlands during school holidays. Taking an interest in the natural world from this young age, and observing the role of farmers in the way our countryside is managed, I chose to specialise in agri-environmental policy at under-graduate and post-graduate level. This enthusiasm led me to brilliant roles with the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire and Cranborne Chase National Landscape, where I led on habitat creation and restoration projects, environmental monitoring and surveys, and supported farmers to navigate the twists and turns of agri-environmental policy in light of Brexit."

Helena was very happy to join the CRT in February 2024 at a very exciting time for our charity:

"With regenerative farming methods very much coming to the fore, there is no time like the present to champion the ethos of the CRT, partnering with, educating and encouraging others to support this cause."

"Outside of work, I can be found making good use of our footpath and bridleway network to explore the countryside, running up and down a hockey pitch or twisting locally sourced sheep wool round my peg loom to make the softest of rugs."



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