Brimstone ButterflyI did the two butterfly transects yesterday. We’re getting into the big numbers time of year, with counting taking longer than it did in April, especially trying to identify the skippers and browns. Not many Essex skippers yet, plenty of small and large and lots of ‘small/Essex’ as per usual!

Only a few ringlets still and no gatekeeper yet. Gatekeeper are usual one of the last of the regular residents butterfly species to be recorded, - maybe I'll spot one this week?

I haven’t seen any of the irregular residents on transect yet (purple or white-letter hairstreaks). It can’t be long before painted lady, our regular non-resident makes an appearance.

I recorded the first of the new generation peacock butterfly at Barton and brimstone at Westfield.

Lots of marbled whites everywhere – there were many more off transect at Barton in the ‘pollinator patches’ but they don’t count for the standard transect

By the end of the long hot survey at Westfield I was ready for a swim in the brook.

Dr Vince Lea
Head of Wildlife Monitoring



Small Skipper 4

Essex Skipper 1

Sml/Esx Skipper 11

Large Skipper 14

Large White 3

Small White 5

Green-veined White 1

Small Tortoiseshell 22

Peacock 1

Comma 1

Marbled White 21

Meadow Brown 130

Ringlet 9

Small Heath 11

Small Skipper 17

Essex Skipper 1

Sml/Esx Skipper 24

Large Skipper 21

Brimstone 1

Large White 3

Small White 17

Green-veined White 9

Common Blue 1

Red Admiral 2

Small Tortoiseshell 17

Marbled White 30

Meadow Brown 225

Ringlet 8

Small Heath 9

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