Volunteer Manager

I am originally from Devon, I grew up on a small-holding on the edge of Dartmoor but settled in Dorset after moving here for work. I studied Environmental Education at Plymouth University and went on to work in both educational and practical roles in the environmental charity sector. The move to Dorset was prompted by a permanent job offer with the countryside team of Dorset Council, where I primarily worked with volunteers looking after a variety of sites and habitats.

More recently I have been working with a land management charity called the Land Trust, looking after their sites in the South West but with quite a lot of travel around the country. I applied for the role because it just seemed such a good fit with my CV. I'm also a fan of the CRT and think the work being done is really exciting, so it seemed too good an opportunity to pass up. When I get started my main focus will be to get to know and understand the current volunteers, farms and staff of course! And then see if there's anything from my background that might help. I'm looking forward to getting stuck in as I'm quite a practical person, which is something I've missed in my current role which is all office based. In my spare time I really enjoy walking my dog (Betty, a very friendly Flat-Coat x Golden Retriever) cooking and pottery.


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