The Trustees of the Countryside Restoration Trust have today passed a resolution to remove Robin Page as a company member with immediate effect. This follows repeated public criticism of strategic decisions taken by the charity, including those he had supported as a Trustee, and his failure to observe standards of governance required of a CRT Trustee. By doing so, he has damaged the charity’s reputation and, despite extensive efforts to work constructively with Robin, the Trustees have reluctantly concluded that the relationship has broken down irretrievably.

The Countryside Restoration Trust has grown significantly in recent years, with 18 farms now under management, and the charity’s finances are robust, allowing us to plan the next phase in its development. We are in the process of reforming the charity’s organisational structure to manage the charity’s growth under a strengthened senior management team. We have several exciting new projects under way, which will raise greater awareness of our work to conserve the natural world, and which are in the best traditions of the charity.

We would like to thank Robin for his many years of dedication to the Countryside Restoration Trust as its co-founder and driving force. We are confident that the plans we have for its future growth will be in keeping with his vision to create a working countryside, where sensitive farming practices encourage and protect wildlife but also produce high-quality produce.